Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Are you a Finger-Pointer

Photo from this link
"Instead of being one, consider forgiving yourself and close your fist because you might realized you're pointing on your direction" 

Dealing with Failures

Just a lesson i have learned from the Book of John chapter 8:1-11. The story of a woman who sinned.

Anyways, who amongst us have never ever sinned in our entire lives?

I don't think those who can read this blog can say they are perfect.

Well, nobody is.

We have failed many times. Though we endure and overcome, still it's a failure attached to us.

How to deal with those failures? Ours and other people's?

Here's some:

1. Don't attach labels to other people's failures. 

Often times we tend to judge immediately by attaching words to a person's name. We can see it in the news and television program when there are times that being "ugly" is a failure. In John 8, it talks about a woman whom they wanted to be stoned because of her being an adulterer. So the scribes and  pharisees together with some other people labeled the woman as an "adulterer". Who among us wanted to be called this way? None i guess. Even the one who committed it ofcourse doesn't want to be labeled as such.

Being born again, the Lord call us a new creature and evenso, He keeps on changing us everyday.

Can't we not give others a chance to be changed too?  We must not close the possibilities that the Lord can change this people. We must not judge. We ought not to.

2. Always remember there are two sides to every story. 

Even if at first thought we knew that the other person is guilty, we have to hear the other side of the story. Our God is a fair God. He is just. He is all-knowing. He can read our hearts. We are not God and for this we cannot know what is in the other person's heart so we must not judge.

We need to listen. People need to be heard. Who knows if this is God's way to turn them to Him.

We are a failure before we are born again. We have been weak physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We have been in the flesh and so we have to thank the Lord for His dealings with us. And He is not finish with us yet. Until now, He patiently deal with our bad attitudes and character.

3. Don't embarrass

How would you feel if you are that woman who have been caught and judge and humiliated in front of so many people?

How many times have we not consider other people's feelings?

Is it too hard to protect someone's else dignity because we are too busy protecting our own?

As i've said, we are NOT PERFECT. We always need room for growth and improvement.

We should not be harsh on them instead we should help them get up and continue with life as a new creation. Show love and respect. Stop embarrassing anyone.

4. Confront with care

Do not condemn. Rebuke with love. Help sincerely. 

We need to be a vessel of God's grace and mercy and not being harsh to others. Remember that, we too, have mistakes and failures and the Lord is showing us grace and loving-kindness.

Let us not love and then judge but rather love and love more. People need to be understood as  to understand.

Deal with other people's failures as how how God deals with our failures. 

Felt by me,

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Aunt yolly asked me, "when is our family reunion?"

Reunion always excites me. It's the time of the year or after so many years of not seeing each other, here comes the clan reuniting and you'll realized someone there that you haven't met and is now there telling you he/she is your grandpa, grandma, aunt, uncle, cousin, nephew, niece, and worst he/she is your granddaughter/son. Haha.

Reunion makes way for reconciliation. This is the best part. When two or more in the family forgive each other.

Reunion bring tears too. Be it tears of joy or pain. It's the time when we realized we are not complete - someone is missing and we missed that person/s.

I don't remember my lola on my dad's side. I just saw her photos but i never remember myself with her in my youth. She died when i was like 2 or 3. Both my lolos passed away. But i had moments with them. Before my lolo (father side) died, he lives with us. He was a copy of my uncle badong, which they said is a copy of my papa and my kuya joel too. When we visit uncle badong (while he is still alive) in his house in Ilocos, he said, "i am going to kill and cook one goat for you all." and he chose his best in the farm. That's how he value family. He build a house and told us everyone is welcome there and said, "it's your house. This is for your dad too." Oh how i missed my uncle. One of my aunt (dad's side again) died when i was in college. She's beautiful, a beauty that i admired. And i love her. I remember, she takes good care of me when i was young and even send me to school (grade 3) in baguio city but then i missed my family and decided not to pursue studying there. But i returned and lived with them when i was in college.

Reunion gives way for other family members who lives outside the country to take this time, a wonderful opportunity, to leave work, go back to their home country and spend precious times with families.

Oh how i love being reunited with my cousins and aunts and uncles.

How i wish we'll have one soon.

Happy, yippee, yehey,

What burdens Me?

This burdens me:

1. People that are unsaved. - Those who lives still in the world. The ones who haven;t accepted the Lord Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour. Those whom the Lord loves and willing to accept in His kingdom but they refuse. Those that are not yet born again.

2. Believers who swayed in the faith. - The backsliders in heart. The church-goer who murmured.

3. A co-servant who compromises in the ministry. 

4. A bible study cell that doesn't grow not just in numbers but in faith. - those who remained baby. Those who won't accept rebuke but reasoned on it. Those who willingly accept milk rather than meat.

5. A person who is prideful and selfish.

6. A person who boast about what he/she have, what she have done, what she accomplished in the world, what she did for herself, etc.

7. The pain of the youth. - When their heart is broken. When they too are burdened.

8. Facebook and other social networks - Its effects on the students, the teachers, the bystanders, and even the church goers and workers. How the words, phrases, and comments on it hurts and breaks someone.When it is not being used to glorify God but instead pleasing men.

9. A lying Christian or believers. - i think this is also similar to compromising. When you lie on your job: when you said you're sick but you're not. When you are ashamed of sharing the Word of God and saying you are not.

10.  Myself - How i act. My attitude, my behavior, my pride.

This and more burdened me.

Lord, have mercy. 

The More I Seek You

Whooopss...i am emotional. Aching for more of God.

While i am getting my food for breakfast, i was thinking of me as a failure.

Failure in the aspects of my life.

Failure as a daughter, as a wife, as a friend, as a neighbor, as a servant of God.

The song of Kari Jobe came into my mind but it came in a different way.

I started with THE MORE I SEEK YOU and ended up like this:

The more i seek You
The more i fail You
The more i fail You
The more i sin against You

I wanna do what You want
But i'm so selfish inside
Laying back in my pride
Forgive me Jesus

The pain is so deep
In Your heart i have cause it
Give me chance to live, let Your mercy revealed

In humility,

Are You Approved?

"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that
needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth."
--2 Timothy 2:15
How many times in a day have you realized yourself holding and reading the Holy Scripture?

How many chapters in the Word of God are you able to read and meditate in a day?

How many seconds, minutes, hours are you spending in reading and understanding it?

Are you approved?

Are you ashamed?

Are you willing to know the truth?

Do you have time?

"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that
needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth."
--2 Tim. 2:15.

Let us read the Word of God. The more we seek the Lord in His Word the more blessed we will be. If only we have time, God has something really great for us. He promised it and He is able to do it.

A chapter or two a day isn't bad. It just became bad when we don't have time.

God knows our willingness but He is more into our availabilities.

Give God your time. Spend it with Him. This will surely strengthen and encourage you and will make you stronger spiritually.

A week ago, i ask the Lord to help me in reading His Word. Reading as well as Praying becomes a battle for me. I find it hard to pray. I find it hard to open my Bible. It's hard, but when you get to do it with all your heart, it's satisfying. It will make you realized how good it is to endure the hardships in doing it. The Lord is with us in this battle. We can only pray it won't happen for just a day only but everyday.

Thanks be to God and Glory to His majesty.

In humility,

It's GBS time!!!

GBS stands for General Bible Study.

This really excites me...woohoo.

Praise the Lord for another day to listen to His Word and to know more about Him and His plan for us.

General Bible Study focuses on doctrinal teachings. This is awesome. This is what i would like to know and understand. This is what i craved for in my spiritual life.

We're going to study the Book of Revelation. And today, as it starts, pastor say, we will learn how to give Biblical counseling, which is also awesome. The Lord will be teaching us.

Super excited.

If you lack wisdom, ask....and here's the answer...GBS!!!

Can't wait to share somethings that i'm going to learn there. Yipppee...

The Lord is sweet. And His wisdom and knowledge makes me hope in Him the more.

I am seeking the Lord.

Isaiah 55:6
Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, 
call ye upon him while he is near:

In humility,

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

PORTRAIT (a photo challenge)

This is what i would like to share on Brenda's Photo Challenge for this month.


my two pretty nieces wearing a highlander's attire

the wedding kiss censored by kids

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

For a New Day

It’s a new day Lord. We praise and thank You for a new life and new hope that every morning brings. Grant us Your love, peace, joy, comfort, grace, mercy and salvation. Bless our day Lord and grant us divine favor. We trust in You, in Jesus Name. Amen.

God is Giving us Reasons to Pray

How’s your prayer life?

Are you having a hard time praying?

Need help?

For the past days of my life, i can say that praying had been a continuous battle. I asked the Lord to help me on this. He did help me, and even teach me how and what to pray. God gave me reasons to pray.

I've learned.

God answered.

Lord, may we not forget to pray especially that here, in the last days, the works of the devil in our lives are strong. But You are stronger o Lord. We believe that You have defeated the enemy and You conquered death and the cross. May we always cling to You and trust You with our whole hearts and minds and understanding. Lord, we entrust our days to You and our lives. May we rejoice in Your Holy Word everyday and may You comfort and grace fill us. In Jesus Name, Amen.


I received a free song from Worship Together today and i really felt it in my heart. Such a great inspiration. Thank you for this.

The song is called the "Song of Moses":

Here's the lyrics:

Oh the Lord, our strength and song
Highest praise to Him belongs
Christ the Lord, the Conquering King
Your Name we raise, Your triumphs sing

Praise the Lord, our mighty warrior
Praise the Lord, the glorious One
By His hand we stand in victory
By His Name we overcome

Though the storms of hell pursue
In darkest night we worship You
You divide the raging sea
From death to life You safely lead

All the saints and angels bow
Hosts of heaven crying out
Glory, glory to the King
You reign for all eternity


Lord, thank You for giving us soul-stirring songs of praises. All for Your glory.

To Mr. Aaron Keyes, keep singing and keep writing songs dedicated to our Lord. Have a blessed day. And greetings from the Philippines.

God bless us all.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Thought about the youth of today

... on fire for the Lord
... young yet strong
... have a wise conviction
... they are open for advices and suggestions
... they communicate well
... open for rebuke
... they have a voice

... they are listening but not obeying sometimes
... weak hearts
... confused
... easily gets cold when brokenhearted
... impatience
... immature maturity
... hard headed
... lazy

just a thought...hehehe...i might be not perfect only forgiven.

Monday, August 8, 2011


"...When you saw only one set of footprints 
it was then I carried you." 

I know most of us are familiar with the FOOTPRINTS IN THE SAND poem. I first encountered this in my poetry and literature class when i was in high school which was like fifteen (15) years ago. Yay...making me feel old at 29. haha.

I was really amazed on how my teacher read each line from the poem. She really felt it. We thought it's her poem from her personal experience but when she's done reading it, she mentioned Miss Mary Stevenson. This made us thought about it. She seems like feeling it deep in her soul even if she's not the author of it. She explained why? Because EACH OF US are being carried by the same FOOTPRINTS of compassion and love.

Many of us, do have troubles and trials and pain. During those painful moments, as we cling onto the Lord and trust in His faithfulness, time comes that it heal the wounds, cover the pain, made us stronger in every trials, and learning from the troubles.

Isn't it wonderful how the Lord promised and He is able to do it? Isn't it beautiful to trust in the Lord that He will never leave us or forsake us? That He will continue being gracious to us? This y soul knows very well.

When was the last time you ever checked on your footprints? Does it leaves a mark? Are you going back to the steps you make?

I remember every time my mom likes to buy shoes for me and my sister when we were younger, she will have our feet fixed on the piece of paper and get our footprints. And when she had the shoes, it will definitely just right for our feet to walk to. That's only one foot printed but it feeds both feet. And it feels good.

God is there carrying us all through the journey. He never let us fail or fall but is always present in times of being almost failing or falling. He is love and we should be very thankful of that love that never leaves us.

The poem was really inspiring. I hope this inspired you too.

Here's the FOOTPRINTS:

One night I dreamed a dream.
I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life
Each scenes, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,
one belonging to me and one to my Lord.
When the last scene of my life shot before me
I looked back at the footprints in the sand
and to my surprise, 
I noticed that many times along the path of life
there was only one set of footprints.
I realized that this was at the lowest
and saddest times of my life. 
This always bothered me
and I questioned the Lord about my dilemma.
"Lord, You told me when i decided to follow You, 
You would walk and talk with me all the way.
But I'm aware that during the most troublesome
times of my life there is only one set of footprints.
I just don't understand why, when i needed You most, 
You leave me."
He whispered, "My precious child, 
I love you and I will never leave you
never, ever, during your trials and testings.
When you saw only one set of footprints
it was then that I carried you."

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Believer's Space

Hi everyone. Have a grace-filled day to all.

Found an interesting thing on the internet yesterday. A Christian site sent in my email, a link to youtube thing and another link to the thing. Hehe

Ok here it goes:

There are so many things and so many social networking sites available for us. Facebook is one famous thing. Im not getting rid of it as i  also use it in soulwinning and sharing the Word of God. It helps in other words.

But my soul longeth for more. More to learn from the faith. Christians whom i can be open and honest with. I signed up yesterday, sunday, and this morning when i checked on it i have friends request already.

This site made you think from the heart.

I wanna share it with you.

Here's the link

Hope you could visit there too and share your faith on it.

God bless us all abundantly.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Worship Him

My co-servants in praise and worship

I told a friend that my favorite way of worship is the "lifting of hands."

Why? Because when i accepted the Lord Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior, i lift my hands in total surrender to Him and not because i am asked to do it.

It's making way for Jesus to enter because our hearts are open.

SURRENDER for me means being defeated. Defeat the weakness...the fears...the past failures and pains...the old faith.

SURRENDER also means winning. Because Jesus won over me. Jesus satisfy me. Jesus welcome me with both hands. I still remember that day when the one who invited me to attend church told me, "please come for the Lord is waiting for you." Surrendering is like a voice from God's heart telling me, "i waited for you, you came" and then received a warm embrace from Him.

So what is worshiping to you?

Altogether, worship for me is HEART and what is inside the heart to make the worship and praise acceptable to God.

Worship Jesus today. He is Lord!