Sunday, August 7, 2011

Believer's Space

Hi everyone. Have a grace-filled day to all.

Found an interesting thing on the internet yesterday. A Christian site sent in my email, a link to youtube thing and another link to the thing. Hehe

Ok here it goes:

There are so many things and so many social networking sites available for us. Facebook is one famous thing. Im not getting rid of it as i  also use it in soulwinning and sharing the Word of God. It helps in other words.

But my soul longeth for more. More to learn from the faith. Christians whom i can be open and honest with. I signed up yesterday, sunday, and this morning when i checked on it i have friends request already.

This site made you think from the heart.

I wanna share it with you.

Here's the link

Hope you could visit there too and share your faith on it.

God bless us all abundantly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there,
That site sounds really interesting! One question, is it free? And if not, how much is it?
have a blessed day, a sister in christ <3