Thursday, May 5, 2011

Colour my World

I love the shade of pink, blue, lavender, green and yellow. But my favorite is PINK. Maybe it's a girl thing or it's just really me.

Last sunday, we have our Winterfire Night event at Church which entitled "Colour my World". It was an awesome evening. We sing songs inspired by people who had been inlove.

Here's our song list:

1. When God made you
2. You're the Inspiration
3. I can't smile without you
4. You by carpenters
5. Ordinary Song
6. How did you know

I personally picked When God made You because it is the song in my wedding. And it has been one of my favorite song about love.

And i dedicate the song , not to my husband but to my Beautiful Saviour.

Why? Because God thought of me when Jesus became in the flesh to save me.

It's Jesus' heart and my heart.

It's about the Lord's lasting love.

A miracle came when God sends His PERFECT ONE.

Inspite of my mess, bad moods, attitude...the Lord remained faithful to me. He is patient. His grace and mercy endures, He is LOVE.

He Himself colors my world. So surrounded by Him.

Thanks be to God.

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