Friday, February 4, 2011

Oh Another Weekend

After working today, i will attend our rehearsal at Church. Oh i am so excited!

Line Up Songs are the Following:
> All of my Days
> Forever God is Faithful
> Across the Earth
> How Excellent
> For the Lord is Good

I know this is gonna be another awesome weekend with family and friends.

We're going to have our saturday dawnwatch at Church tomorrow at 5:30 too. Oh Lord what a weekend. It always excites me. Prayer is an exciting thing for me to do. Even when im alone or in a crowd of prayerful brethren.

Tomorrow, my nephew will be celebrating his 5th year on earth. I heard there will be fun at the beach...oh how i love the views. I love the sand, the water, the clear blue sky, the nippa huts, and the zigzag roads on the way to the beach.

I pray for my webcam and microphone to be fixed tomorrow too. I missed my husband and my mother-in-law as well as our loved ones abroad. Skype or Googletalk is a great way to communicate with loved ones real-time. I pray for wisdom to get the webcam fixed. Oh i should learn how to troubleshoot desktop computers, yay. Last year, i pray for a laptop, i believe it's not yet time to have that hehe. I am praying for a Mac...whew...Lord have mercy on me. Some people say it's very expensive to buy MAc especially in the Philippines. But my hope is in the Lord. Is anything too hard for Him to give? Certainty not. this my soul knows very well.

Oh how i missed my husband. It's almost a month now since he left the country to work abroad. I missed my prayer and Scripture Study partner. I missed him o Lord. 

Thanks be to God for beautiful people surrounding me. Thanks be to God for their love and patience and encouragement. They are God-given. My dad and mom has been very supportive. Oh what a gift to have a loving parents. They are of great help for me and my husband. Praise the Lord.

And for my Pastor, that never stop teaching me and praying for me and my fmaily too. He's been a good counselor. A man after God's own heart. He dedicated himseld in serving the Lord. I pray God will strengthen him more and use him for His greater glory. 

Yesterday, i went to a Christian Bookstore. There are so many Books and the Word of God on all different versions. I would like to give out Scriptures (Bible) this year to my fellow filipinos. I believe it is time...our salvation is nearer than when we first belive. Someone asked me, "are you rapture ready?" and i replied with a , "yes". And then she asked me again, "how about your family and friends, are they all rapture ready?" and i answered, "hmmm..(thinking)." Lord, provide for our soul today and always.

This is gonna be a lovely weekend because of the Lord Jesus.

Brethren, who are reading my blog, God bless you more than you could ever imagine.


Hannah Elisabeth said...

I will be praying that your husband will be able to come home's not easy having a loved one so far away.

Tiffany said...

Wishing you a great weekend LaLeigh! I hope you find out how to get that computer problem fixed so you can communicate with your family. I wish I could fix it for you, but I'm not that good with computers:)

La Leigh said...

Thank you ladies for the encouragements.

Missing my husband but i can only pray that the Lord give me strength and joy in waiting.

Thank you Tiffany. I am trying to learn the troubleshooting on my computer...yay...not that easy, there are terms that i can't understand.

Another friend told me to download driver installer free from the internet...i'll do this tomorrow after the Church service.

God bless us all.