Sunday, April 17, 2011

Like An Icecream

Whew, so this is really SUMMER eh!!!!

Summer is not only for people to go to beaches but it's also about getting an icecream ready for every turns.

Life is like an icecream. We melt! We melt when we're overwhelmed with something. We melt for joy or for pain.

I remembered when my husband, while we're talking about something, he stopped and looked at the ice that melts and says, "good for the ice coz it metls, some people just don't"...i knew what he meant by that. Some people won't just melt with the message of the CROSS. Some people are just overwhelmed by living life the way they wanted it.

The message of the CROSS melted every hard and cold hearts...but still there are people who don't.

And people who do are the happiest people. Because we knew about salvation that comes from believing in Jesus who died on the cross, who sacrificed His life for all.

Jesus is Lord!

His Name melts me.
His Name brought me low.
His Name changed me.
His Name moves me.
His Name saves me.

Once i was in the dark, His Name led me to Himself to His light. And i enjoy every moment with my Saviour King. I am happy beyond description because the Lord has been sooooo faithful to me.

Thank You, Jesus.

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