Monday, April 27, 2009

God's Ministers

How many ministers of God do you know? There's the minister of your congregation and maybe it has an assistant minister, a youth minister, or a minister of music. Some churches have visitation ministers, ministers of senior citizens, and various other specialist.

How about the policeman on the beat? Did you know he is God's minister too? SO is your representative in the state legislature, your congressman, your president, the judge in his courtroom, and your king or queen if your country has king or queen. Some of these people may now know they are God's ministers, but they are. God has decreed that we have government to keep people from robbing and killing each other., and the officials of government serve Him when they do that. Of course some officials don't always do what God wants them to do, but who does? Not even!

While i am listing God ministers, i have put my own name on the list.

The word minister means a servant. Milk-drinking Christians are servants also. You are God's servant too, aren't you? Meat-eating Christians are ministers of God.

I can only pray that as servants, may God help us to do our work/ministry well.

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