The Philippines is a Christian country. Happy faces is the usual comments of foreigners who visited my country.
According to my husband, the thing that he loved most about the Philippines is the signage posted everywhere that is sharing the Word and love of God. From the front door of the house, to the cars moving around, to the stores, the streets, the shirts, mugs and personal things and the big billboards. Its is not only at church that the Lord is magnified and glorified. It is out in the public's (believers and unbelievers) eyes. And so transformation/changes happens to life.
Words like "God is Good", "Jesus Cares", "Go Straight to God", "U-Turn to God", "Worship God", "Pray Until Something Happens (P.U.S.H)" "Got Faith?" (which reminds us always that whenever we have problems, faith in God helps a lot), "God is Good" and so many Bible verses printed and posted all around touches and encourages people. Awesome.
Just this month (May 22), Nick Vujicic visited us. I haven't got the chance to meet him, i just found out that he is here today (May 26) when i watched a television program they entitled "Unstoppable Nick Vujicic" on ABC TV5. Awesome experience to know about him.
There is nothing really impossible with God. Faith happens. Change happens. God is NOT UNSTOPPABLE when it comes to showering us blessings and joys. He is NOT UNSTOPPABLE in using people, even with disabilities, to be able to reveal His power and strength.
In a fantastic place like the Philippines, we are UNSTOPPABLE in our faith because God us UNSHAKEN in His promises and goodness.
I praise the Lord for everything.
And maybe someday, God willing, i will be able to see Nick Vujicic in person to hug him and worship the Lord for his God-given life.
To God be the glory!!!!
Here are links of photos from Nick's visit in the Philippines:
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