Thursday, March 7, 2013

I Surrender All

a song i love listening to when i was younger. And it was only like 3 weeks ago when i heard it again in the bed of my aunt who is suffering from cancer.

We have given life to live but some people took the gift for grated but instead spoiled the body of whatever it likes to eat and drink and what it loves to do. In other words, the temple became a trash can of waste materials instead of a place where the spirit of God rests.

And after a while, when sickness comes, we realized the fact that our body should be presented as pure and acceptable to God.

Aunt Letty died 2 weeks ago at the age of 49. I am happy that she is now in a better place. She accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior and was able to serve the Lord the best she can while she is still alive.

Let us surrender everything to the Lord...even the tiny ones...they are all important.


 All to Jesus I surrender; 
 all to him I freely give; 
 I will ever love and trust him, 
 in his presence daily live. 
 I surrender all, I surrender all, 
 all to thee, my blessed Savior, 
 I surrender all. 

2. All to Jesus I surrender; 
 humbly at his feet I bow, 
 worldly pleasures all forsaken; 
 take me, Jesus, take me now. 

3. All to Jesus I surrender; 
 make me, Savior, wholly thine; 
 fill me with thy love and power; 
 truly know that thou art mine. 

4. All to Jesus I surrender; 
 Lord, I give myself to thee; 
 fill me with thy love and power; 
 let thy blessing fall on me. 

5. All to Jesus I surrender; 
 now I feel the sacred flame. 
 O the joy of full salvation! 
 Glory, glory, to his name! 

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