Was thinking of what could have been wrong or what are the things that we weren't able to do or we forgot to do.
We are in the flesh...it's very evident...very visible...
There are times the team weakens me. Oh my bad...maybe it's me who weakens me.
Ministry is life for me. But what about my team? My team are one of the precious things i have in my life. I maybe older than them, but we are family here, i cannot be the mother though. I can be their teacher or mentor, or leader appointed to them but as a leader, i also need to be led.
And as leader, i am not perfect. But who is perfect? No not one...only God.
The member of team composes of men and women with different views and personal beliefs and ideals. But we have the same FAITH. We're praying for ONE ACCORD.
Just some few weeks ago, it is very hard for me to lead a group that seems so emotional with their lives. I have my feelings too. Emotional problems and stresses weakens me too. But here's one thing i desire of the Lord....to make us SPIRITUAL.
We don't battle against flesh...but in spirit. We all know that the flesh is weak so why entertaining it? If one and all isn't worthy, then who will lift up God's Name?
The problem arise when we are too focus on what is happening around us that triggers our emotion. We cannot serve God and our emotion.
Just this morning, a precious co-servant carries a burden...a burden on which he needed to deal with it and choose whether he will stand and serve God or clear himself first of what he feels? Is it about the self or the surrendered life to God?
Lord. please make us spiritual in an emotional world.
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