1. People that are unsaved. - Those who lives still in the world. The ones who haven;t accepted the Lord Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour. Those whom the Lord loves and willing to accept in His kingdom but they refuse. Those that are not yet born again.
2. Believers who swayed in the faith. - The backsliders in heart. The church-goer who murmured.
3. A co-servant who compromises in the ministry.
4. A bible study cell that doesn't grow not just in numbers but in faith. - those who remained baby. Those who won't accept rebuke but reasoned on it. Those who willingly accept milk rather than meat.
5. A person who is prideful and selfish.
6. A person who boast about what he/she have, what she have done, what she accomplished in the world, what she did for herself, etc.
7. The pain of the youth. - When their heart is broken. When they too are burdened.
8. Facebook and other social networks - Its effects on the students, the teachers, the bystanders, and even the church goers and workers. How the words, phrases, and comments on it hurts and breaks someone.When it is not being used to glorify God but instead pleasing men.
9. A lying Christian or believers. - i think this is also similar to compromising. When you lie on your job: when you said you're sick but you're not. When you are ashamed of sharing the Word of God and saying you are not.
10. Myself - How i act. My attitude, my behavior, my pride.
This and more burdened me.
Lord, have mercy.
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