The Dad the Lord sent us according to His heart in our church to preach the Gospel. Pastor Rey. We call him Papa P. It's been a decade of serving the Lord and the church and the people of God. He is always visible, consistent and fruitful. He's a dad who will tell you directly what you did and what you didn't do, sometimes in a form of rebuke coated with love ofcourse. He's a dad to us and we thank the Lord for giving him to us as our leader in the faith. We pray the Lord use him more as a mouthpiece to share His Word and salvation. Lord, bless our pastor and his family.
The Dad the Lord sent me and called me her own daughter, my earthly father, Papa Jaime. Such a good father, a good provider, responsible, good husband. He don't talk too much but when he did open his mouth, he mean his every word. I love my dad although i don't always tell him this. I remember when i was in college, i would like to tell him i love him but i just sent the words to him via mail. He didn't respond but when i turned 18, he whisper the words to my ear. That i can't forget. My dad's shy type person but is wise in his convictions.
The Dad the Lord sent us to represent all the good uncles in the world. Hehe. My Tito Usting. He is my only uncle on mom's side. He is always there in every occasions of my life and even on my wedding. He is a responsible father serving the country for over three decades now. He is there during family emergencies too. And our family driver since he is the only one who knows how to drive cars in our family (mom's side). Very slow to anger and slow to speak too but with a wise conviction too.
The Dad the Lord sent me to be my father-in-law, dad James. Though i haven't seen him in person i knew he have a good heart. We keep on praying for him as we know nothing is impossible with the Lord. I am just glad he is the father of my husband. Hehe.
The Dads the Lord sent me, my two brothers, Joel and Jethro. They are both fathers now. I admire them for being a responsible fathers. They have different attitudes but i love them both. As we grow together, we realized the value of being closer as years passed by and as times flies. I believe we are closer now than when we were kids which is a good thing for all of us now. I admire their simplicity.
Lord, You are a Great Dad. Nothing can ever be compares to You. You are an amazing awesome Father. You see everything and You knew our hearts. You have given us dads and i know You rule them, they all came from you and they are who they are, unique and different yet worthy of respect and admiration. Lord, they are not perfect like You are and so i pray You guide them always with Your Word and let Your light so shine upon them and made them follow You and Your steps. Lord, You are worthy to be praise, adored, love, worship, given honor and be lifted up. We praise You for giving us wonderful dads who are good provider, good father and husband..all with wise convictions. Strengthen them Lord and always bless the works of their hands. All glory belongs to You alone. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Thank You Dad.
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