Jesus loves us so much that He sacrificed His life, shed a blood, give Himself as ransom for all.
He never gave up. He conquered death. It's all because of love.
There are realities in pain. If its a pain cause by a love one that would really be painful if we don't forgive.
Marriage is a union of two good forgivers. Marriage won't stand without love. Family would not stand without the head and the light.
Let love shines better than pain. Let love conquers every fears and burdens.
Do not give up on her or him.
Life has ups and downs. We don't know where you are standing right now. But we are praying for both of you. We love you, we love your family. May you choose to live a hundred more years loving and forgiving each other.
Love like you have never loved. Forgive and forgive. Forgiveness they said is like a glue that repairs broken relationship.
Be strong.
The devil is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Be not deceive. The devil came to destroy a family...but you are of Christ, what can the devil do to you. Because you LOVE, even the gates of hell shall not prevail against LOVE.
Love more and never give up for the battle is not yours but God's.
We are here. We are family. We love you both.
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