I had a glance at twitter, ate turnip, made an icecube, search for songs.
SEARCH FOR SONG and found so many. And one (while making icecubes) played repeatedly.
It reminds me of the times when my husband was here...yes, like women or like most wife do...i also have complains. And then realized that this husband is the man the Lord gave me to respect, cherish, love, share joy with, to submit to.
For all the times I felt cheated, I complained
You know how I love to complain
For all the wrongs I repeated, though I was to blame
I still cursed that rain
I didn't have a prayer, didn't have a clue
Then out of the blue
God gave me you to show me what's real
There's more to life than just how I feel
And all that I'm worth is right before my eyes
And all that I live for though I didn't know why
Now I do, 'cause God gave me you
For all the times I wore my self pity like a favorite shirt
All wrapped up in that hurt
For every glass I saw, I saw half empty
Now it overflows like a river through my soul
From every doubt I had, I'm finally free
I truly believe
In your arms I'm someone new
With ever tender kiss from you
Oh must confess
I've been blessed:
Learning guitar on my own (just basics), I truly enjoyed this video you shared and beautiful lyrics!
God is amazing in giving us different kinds of relationships, but most especially that special someone who becomes one's soulmate.
God bless you sister and I pray this song had given you comfort in your heart!
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