Our God is Holy and Mighty. As creator of the universe and judge of eternity, He holds all power. Yet, His greatest desire is to provide for us. He wants to dwell within us and prepare us to spend eternity with Him.
Story to Share today:
----> A small crippled boy was hurrying to catch a commuter train. Carrying some gift packages under his arm, he was experiencing great difficulty in manipulating his crutches. As the people rushed by, someone accidentally bumped into him knocking the brightly wrapped parcels in all directions. The man who caused the mishap stopped only long enough to scold the youngter for being so clumsy and getting in his way. Another gentleman, seeing the boy's distress, went to his aid. He quickly picked up the scattered gifts and slipped a dollar bill into the youngter's pocket, saying, "I'm sorry, Sonny! I hope this makes up a little for your trouble. " With a smile he went on his way. The child, who had seldom been shown such kindness, called after him in gratitude, "Master -- please, Sir, are you Jesus?" "No" replied his new-found friend, "but i am one of His followers."
Let us humble ourselves and let God work through us. May our example create a desire in others to know more about Jesus.
The greatest thing in all the world is knowing Him. ( It sure is).
Let us walk in a manner that will cause people to want God.
1 comment:
Amen! What a wonderful refreshing post. I hope many read this one and heed the message. We see so much of this happening, but notice how there is always one to follow up after the evil! God's goodness always prevails!!! Hallelujah!
Have a beautifully blessed week.
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