....sometimes sorrows can break individual people to bring them to God.
A week before the flood came, there's this news about putting/installing up RFID to every vehicles in Manila, Philippines.
I have learned from Christian sources and videos on youtube that these kinds are signs...the RFID, the chips...technology that evil forces or should i simply say, devil/satan uses to get through people's senses. The devil came to steal, kill and destroy. Such things as technology, though of help to us, we must admit...has had affected people's way of thinking and feeling and reasoning.
As the Lord has plans for mankind, the devil also have. But who can understand the mind of God? Can the devil read it. Certainly not.
As the rfid will be installed soon, the Lord sends out flood that washed out many vehicles on the road in Manila. God's will prevails over that darness the devil planned.
What hurts is that, the leaders of our nation joined together to work with the works of the devil. Signing up laws, allowing such things...
I don't know enough to say anything against our leader...i just believe i have my eyes opened on these issues. The leaders are unaware of this evil plan. All we can do is pray for them.
Do pray for the Philippines and the filipino people. God blesses each nation who believes in His Sovereignty, His Might, His Power, His ABility, His Grace.
May the heart of the people who have been affected by the calamity be opened to our Lord Jesus...in prayer, may they be all united...may all of us be united. There's a rainow of hope after all these things. God's light is shining unto us.
God bless the Philippines. God bless the Filipino people. God bless us all.
God graciously teaches us what is best but doesn't force us to do it. He patiently presents what is right and good, and allows us to choose it.
Isaiah 48:17-18 (New King James Version)
17 Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, The Holy One of Israel:
“ I am the LORD your God, Who teaches you to profit, Who leads you by the way you should go. 18 Oh, that you had heeded My commandments! Then your peace would have been like a river, And your righteousness like the waves of the sea.
This song has been my favorite whenever me and my friends do our friday karaoke at a public cafe.
When asked by my boyfriend what would i say about the song and why is it special, i just stared at him and said, "just the tone" and then smile.
Looking back, i haven't had a real life. It has been so dark in the past. A life that doesn't seem like having a direction. What i want i want no matter how impossible it is and even if i wouldn't get it. And what others want, i want. I have been surrounded with fears, jealousy, greediness, selfishness. It's terrible, lost, horrible...pick your adjectives.
A life that is centered in the presence and loving arms of God...what i've found in Jesus. God changes me from 90 to 180 degrees...that is good for now i supposed. But oh how i desire to reach another degree in my life...all centered by God.
Have you heard the song Bring me to Life by Evanescence?
Lyrics here:
How can you see into my eyes like open doors? Leading you down into my core where I've become so numb Without a soul, my spirit sleeping somewhere cold Until you find it there and lead it back home
Wake me up (Wake me up inside) I can't wake up (Wake me up inside) Save me (Call my name and save me from the dark)
Wake me up (Bid my blood to run) I can't wake up (Before I come undone) Save me (Save me from the nothing I've become)
Now that I know what I'm without You can't just leave me Breathe into me and make me real Bring me to life
Wake me up (Wake me up inside) I can't wake up (Wake me up inside) Save me (Call my name and save me from the dark)
Wake me up (Bid my blood to run) I can't wake up (Before I come undone) Save me (Save me from the nothing I've become)
I've been living a lie There's nothing inside Bring me to life
Frozen inside without your touch Without your love, darling Only you are the life among the dead
All this time, I can't believe I couldn't see Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems Got to open my eyes to everything
Without thought, without voice, without a soul Don't let me die here There must be something more Bring me to life
Wake me up (Wake me up inside) I can't wake up (Wake me up inside) Save me (Call my name and save me from the dark)
Wake me up (Bid my blood to run) I can't wake up (Before I come undone) Save me (Save me from the nothing I've become)
I've been living a lie There's nothing inside Bring me to life
I was at this big farm field surrounded with ready to harvest wheat and rice. Everything looks yellow or gold. I started harvesting it all by myself but in my heart i know i cannot do it alone. And so i called for help. I've seen people passing by but they show no interest on what i am doing. Cry for help because i hopelessly wanted to get it all done for just one day and even though i am tired, there's this strength in me that made me courageous enough to stay and work in that field.
I cried out for help but no one wanted to give their hands. Some were laughing and some just ignoring me.
At the end of the day, some armies came and i heard that they are looking for me. I tried to hide and so i run and hide myself onto dark caves where i can be safe ( as i thought that's the only place where i will be safe)