no depth, nor any power could take away See the faces in the crowd everyone is reaching out searching for something that's real see the souls behind the eyes left with no way to disguise the yearning inside Chorus: He loves without limits sees us every minute wherever we are walking He is near His spirit is relentless His hope for us is endless I know, I know He loves without limits There's no mountain that's too steep there's no ocean that's too deep nothing can keep him from us He's the lover of our souls He's the one that makes us whole oh, don't you know If we could only see how far God will reach to touch our hearts Repeat Chorus I know, I know nothing can seperate us I know, I know God's love is limitless
I,too, need a spiritual make over. Though still growing i know there's lots in store to learn. If only i could make things fast as to know the things i don't know yet...but i know God's timing is the best. People say learning one-day-at-a-time is the best process. God would not give us yoke that is too heavy for us to bear for a day. And while He is giving it, He Himself help us to carry it.
From the first song that sings my soul for the day, i have noticed "HE and HIS" mentioned many times there. Everything refers to our Lord coz things are not about us really....it's all from Him and for Him. The honor, glory and power that He deserves...the kind of worship that we could offer Him. I always hear the person assigned to pray in our Church, she always say "we are not worthy oh Lord but You are faithful and You alone deserve all adoration and praise and honor and glory and power FOREVER".
God is faithful. His love endureth forever. His love is beyond measure...LIMITLESS. He is Lord from everlasting to everlasting. He is ENDLESS.
Then sings my soul "make me over" is a confession in prayer. As we talk to God, He then listen to us and in silence, there's a voice in response to our cry.
How many of us forgot to repent in every prayer that we do? Some give thanks and then goes directly to unstoppable petitions and askings of the heart.
God, i believe, wants to see our brokenness. Come to Him in a "broken and contrite heart", the Bible says. He delights in seeing us broken in His presence. A confession that leads us closer to Him.