Married for 3 years and not together for the last 2 years celebrating our anniversaries. It's not that easy you know. But God always finds a way.
11 months ago, my husband left the Philippines and went back to his homeland, the US. 2months after he filed the petition for the spousal visa or specifically known as
IR1 Visa. And the journey continues from there til i got the visa on hand which was approved August 7, 2013.
I couldnt imagine it will be this early. Its mix emotions of excitement, sadness, thankfulness, fear, and sometimes just wanted to think about it. I got pressured by family and friends too.
My ministry is very important for me. Its my life. I cannot think of days without it. My Everpraisers Music Team will sure be missed. I love my Church where the Lord led me to. My pastor, co-ministers, co-servants, members and the whole congregation are all special to me. My heart is crushed by the thoughts of leaving and some part of it are relieved because finally......finally, i will be able to be with my husband...another ministry.
The visa journey periods of unending goosebumps and anxieties and worries and fear of the medical results and interview with the consul had ended. And there's more journey awaiting me just around the corner.
There will be a lot of adjustments: on food, climate, people, time, etcetera....but i believe THROUGH JESUS, i will be able to make it....
So help me God.